Mary Spiteri  -  Tema '79

Country - Malta     Player- Deo

It-Tema ta' Jum il-Helsien (Tema '79)

Minn bejn l-ghollieq musfara
Minn bejn ix-xewk ghatxan
il-warda l-ghajn li tara
lewn hamran fl-ghelieqi w il-qieghan

minn bejn is-shab imnikket
minn bejn ic-cparijiet
il-ghanja Hadd ma jsikket
fis-smewwiet l-ghasfur qtajjiet

Illum li b'demmna mifdijin
mid-demm ta' nies l-azzar
Illum li m'ghadniex mixtieqin
Mill-ward, miz-zghar u nwar

Jifirhu ta' madwarna
Il-gnus u lill-girien
sa fl-ahhar ksibna darna
dan hu z-zmien ta' ferh u l-holqien

U l-gwienah tal-mehlusa
jittajru lejn ix-xemx
Il-bajda w hamra nbusha
bhalha m'hemmx
din ma tintemmx

Illum li b'demmna mifdijien
Mid-demm ta' nies l-azzar
Illum li m'ghadniex mixtieqin
Mill-ward, miz-zghar u nwar

Oh Alla hares fuqna
Dal-gens qed jghix mill-gdid
Fil-hena, s-sahha b'ruhna
Ha nqimuk u infahhruk

Through the yellow spines
Through the thirsty thorns
The rose is the eye which sees
The redness of the fields and the lands

Through the sad clouds
Through the thick fog
No one will stop this hymn
Like flock of birds in the skies

We freed ourselves with our own blood
From the iron men's blood
We don't long for freedom anymore
From roses and the buds

Joyous are the ones around us
People and their neighbours
At last we have earned our homes
This is the time to be happy and joyous

And the wings of the free ones
Will fly towards the sun
I'll kiss the Red and White (Maltese flag)
There's nothing like it
This will never cease

We freed ourselves with our own blood
From the iron men's blood
We don't long for freedom anymore
From roses and the buds

Oh God! Watch over us!
These people are living once again
In peace, In strength
And with our souls we will praise you forever


Player's comments:
Mary Spiteri is still considered as the Queen of Maltese music. She started her singing career at an early age when with her father she used to tour hotels and sing in cabaret shows. Her strong character made it possible for her singing career to survive till this very date where she is still very active in producing new albums and songs for various activities.

She was also very active in the last general elections in Malta singing patriotic songs and reminding everyone the themes which used to be sung by the Maltese natives of the late 70's where Malta was fighting for its own Freedom. This song is more of an ode to Freedom. It is taken from the first ever rock-opera held in Malta by the Maltese. The rock opera entitled "GENSNA" (Our People) re-enacts the struggles which the courageous people of this small mediterranean islands had to go through to earn their Freedom. The main theme of "GENSNA" is Tema '79 - which is an ode to Malta's Freedom's Day - 31st March 1979.

The poetic lyrics make reference to words which have a metaphoric meaning in the Maltese context, especially the "red and white" (reference to the Maltese Flag).