KERIM TEKIN & ZERRIN OZER  -  kar beyazdir olum

Country - Turkey     Player - Senol & Orhan


First release : 1997 ( original version )

Second release : 2000 ( duet version )

Hasret vuruyor gecenin koynunda
Anilar vuruyor gozyaslarima
Cilgin bulutlar donuyor basimda
Uykusuz geceler kapimda

Yikilsa dunya,kiyamet kopsa
Yine de vazgecmem
Olurum derdimdem
Karbeyazdir olum ellerinden gulum !
Yine yoksun diye
Dusmanim her gune

Dursun dunya,donmesin sensiz
Yasatmasin of, Allahim sensiz.



I miss you in the arms of midnight
All the memories just hit my tears
Crazy clouds are turning over my head
Sleepless nights waiting at my door

Even the world will crash, and come to an end
I still won't give up
I'd die for you
Death from your hands is white like snow !
As you are not here with me,
I became the enemy of daylight

Oh God, don't let the world move
And don't let me live without her love


Player's comments:
28 July 1998...
Everybody shocked with a last minute flash news on all TV and radio stations.
' 23 year old Turkish pop singer Kerim Tekin died in a traffic accident !!! '
This song was his last release single which made him popular all around Turkey.
Maybe.. it's a game of destiny..
who can imagine that his last song about death will be 'his farewell' to us ???

Kerim Tekin had only 2 albums..
The first album 'Karagozlum' has released in 1995
and Turkey met with this shy and sympathic boy....
And after 2 years .. he returned back with a new image of a Romantic Man..
cause he was deeply in love :)
His lover was one of the greatest voices of Turkey ' Zerrin Ozer '.
His new album 'Haykirsam Dunyaya' ( If I scream to the world )
received a very huge success with a very high sales result.
Especially ' Kar beyazdir Olum' was a No.1 hit with its passionate lyrics.
And suddenly everything turned upside down..
Death was on the way, when he was returning from a concert tour in Anatolia.

Song's original version is only from Kerim Tekin's voice in his album.
But, Zerrin Ozer remastered the song again
and added her back-vocals on the song in her 'best of' album in 2000.
On this new recorded duet, two lovers met again and sealed their love to eternity.